Monday, November 7, 2011

Shoot, how long has it been?

Holy cow, when was the last time I even touched Blogger? Darn, I've got a lot of excuses for not making Weird Guy for such a long time... like being SO DAMN busy at school, not paying attention to making Weird Guy comics and... lets just say I've been busy to keep things simple. Well sorry guys, looks like I cannot make any more. I will still be posting - but have NO opportunities to make comics whatsoever. Maybe some will come soon, but right now I'm empty handed :(.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Man, it's tiring.

Hey guys, it's Barcardi Breezer... no it's me, Weird Guy *yawn* Master. It's morning, I'm still in my pajamas and I'm having my brekkie (it's top secret cereal o.O). I haven't had the "spare" time to start making my all new comic, B.U.T... I just forgot what I was going to say.

Right now, it's only an hour away from lunch time but it still feels like when I got up. It's pretty obvious why I'm tired cuz' I was flogging Runescape for a couple of hours and I went to bed at *12:13 am*. Tell me, when was the latest time you've ever been to bed? This is my newest competition! Comment down in the comments box, and if I get 20 comments from you guys a special comic of Weird Guy will be released! Discuss :).

Hey... I wonder if I have any fans or subscribers out there CALLING ALL BLOG AND POST READERS!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Darn it (IM GOING HULK!!!!!)

Yes, yes. I lied a bit (...) but, do not fear! A new comic is here! Well, actually not today but tomorrow :). Really, me promise (if it's not tomorrow, maybe the day after that or the day that's after tomorrow!)

Don't you just love that word... "Tomorrow". It's a pretty decent simile... no wait... metaphor? Adjective? Noun? Adverb? Verb? Well it's surely not any of those, but it's a nice word to SAAAAYYYYY. I mean... who doesn't love saying "Oh, hey dude I'll go and wash your car tomorrow" or something similar and it doesn't happen. You end up not being bothered and you forget about it and you say... "Gee, what was I supposed to do today? It was something about... ah, yes, washing my friends car. Oh, well. I'm sure he wont mind!". That's just cruel, and not a very good excuse.

It is a particuarly interesting subject (*@#$**&Tomorrow*@#S**, and no this is not a link - even though it's blue I LOVE BLUE FTW!!!... actually, I just discovered it is a link even though I didn't even intend to make a link mwahahahahaahaha! Colourful links for all :D) to discuss.

But then again, I have just lost my interest about discussing "tomorrow". Oh well, I guess I'll go and talk about the wonderful colour of blue to my dad and blab and chat to him like he hates.

Plus, this post isn't useless to read. It's educational (and hehe, a bit *weird*) and extremely interigational for your shenagigans (o.O). This was supposed to be a review of the comic hey I like comics (I have ADHD...) do you like comics? Well I'm just going to scoff some peanut-butter covered apples and honey spread brocolli (mmhhmmmm!)... and annoy the heck out of my dad (GRAAARRRGGGH lady gaga is a scary monster Lady Gaga! now that's what I call a link). And my dad is... well....Did you know my dad is a FREAKOID... who I like :).

Cya my wonderful blogger readers *gets carried away and runs after... THE COLOUR BLUE!!!!!!!!*. Bye.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Oh, hey guys. I haven't been on lately because I've been ultra busy with my school study, RL work and a bunch of other things that don't really matter.

I apoligize if I haven't been able to do a thing in about *looks at his calender* a month, but that's life when your a busy *cough cough "boy" cough cough* person.

There is definitely going to b a new release, but I just don't know when...

Well cya!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


No, no comic yet.

BUT... it will be coming either this weekend or the next day!! I, personally am looking forward to my release, and it'll be a cool new event. PA-LEA-ZE be very patient, I am just a <insert age here> kid (under 20) who can't do 1,0000,00000 (I think this is a trillion, BTW), and needs some time to do stuff, because I've got homework, other computer work and school I can't access blogger that often. So, hopefully I can have some time to scan, print and put it online.


The Werid Guy Master :D

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not the ChickenCow

Whoops! Sorry guys but there is no ChickenCow next week (to those who play Dragon Fable, dissapointment was near). :(

BUT... I've made a new comic and it'll be on blogger by tomorrow! SPOILER: It's called How to deal with bullies, with my bully issue this morning at school (it was not pretty, he punched me in the NECK! @#$@*$((!*). I hate that bully. Anyway, it's the first ever Weird "guide". Kind of like an encyclopedia, if you get that.

Hope your all excited, and see you. P.S: I found out that I am related to a ostrich, 1. because my legs are long 2. I'm really faaaasssst!
